Essential Triathlon Fundamentals for Age Group Athletes: Tips and Strategies
May 19, 202410 things I wish all Age-Group Long-Distance Triathletes knew:
1. Total triathlon time is more highly correlated to run time than swim and bike times combined. FACT.
So, have a think about the following
In the Swim:
2. Actively use your core to hold the pelvis up to ensure balanced muscle activation around the pelvis
3. Kick: use your glutes on the up stroke so as to not overload the hip flexors
4. Catch: don’t over-reach the shoulder joint. This can affect your neck/shoulder comfort on the bike
On the Bike:
5. Dial in your pedalling efficiency so you can run off the bike well - especially the upstroke
6. Cadence is key! 1. It reduces localised muscle fatigue, and 2. When coming in to T2 is should match your run cadence
7. Comfort and muscle activation about the pelvis on the bike is far more important than being aero
During the Run:
8. Consistent cadence for the length of the run - strongest correlate to running efficiency
9. Trunk stability (not rotating) will keep your glutes fresher for longer due to reduced cross-over gait
10. Build as much posterior chain (glutes, low back and hamstring) strength so as to avoid sitting in the bucket.
Triathlon is sport where the codes don’t ‘play well in the sandpit together’. So reduce the follow-on effect of poor technique in the swim, then bike and lastly the run, so your run time is strong.
More detailed exercise prescription on this coming soon. Watch this space!
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